My name is Corey Beaver. I am 19 years old, and from Detroit. My home Church is Ascend Church in Troy, Mi,
where I serve on the Worship Team as a keys player, and I am on the Youth Leadership team.
I've studied music since I was in 5th grade. I did Marching Band from 7th grade all the way through my
Senior Year, where I was the Drum Major. After High School, I did a semester of Worship
Studies at Indiana Bible College.
1. Repentance
Romans 3:23 says "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;".
Because we all mess up, and nobody is perfect but the living God, I believe
that we must live our lives in repentance and turn away from our past, and God
will make us a new creation in him.
2. Baptism by water
Baptism is a required part of salvation (John 3:5, Mark 16:16), and must be done only
in the singular name of Jesus (Matthew 28:19, Acts 2:38, Acts 8:16, Acts 10:48, Acts 19:5).
A true baptism must be of ones own free will and understanding, and
must go fully submerged to be completly burried with Christ. The word Baptism comes from Greek word “baptizo”
(βαπτίζω), which means “to plunge, immerse, dip, or submerge”, sprinkling water is simply not enough to constitute a propper biblcal baptism.
3. Baptism by spirit
Both Baptism by water and by spirit are essential pieces to salvation. (John 3:5)
The only evidence that one is filled with the Holy Ghost is speaking in tounges
4. Tounges
The Bible gives a clear distinction between two types of tounges.
The first tounge edifies the congregation, in which an enterpreter is used to give
give a message from Jesus. The second one is tounges as a prayer language, which edifies
yourself spiritually. This tounge can be spoken in a known or an unknown language. Ones tounge
must be given to them from God, and not something that can be taught.
5. Oneness
I believe in the one true God. We use the title Father to describe God, the
title Son to describe the flesh of Jesus Christ, and Holy Spirit to describe
the wonders that take place. There is only one name given to us, in which we
are saved. (Acts 4:12, Ephesians 4:5-6)